On occasion travel writers find themselves with a story that is much more than just material for an article.
They may decide to try their hand at writing a book.
And as often happens with writers, they may find themselves in need of help getting their story told.
If that’s you, you may want to check out a new website, Dramaticapedia.
“Dramaticapedia is a new free web site about story structure for novelists, screenwriters and all writers of fiction. You’ll find Articles, Streaming Media, and Downloads – all about writing fiction and all free!”
~ Melanie Anne Phillips, creator of Dramaticapedia and StoryWeaver and co-creator of Dramatica Pro.
Dramaticapedia is an exceedingly comprehensive resource for writers who are interested in creating fiction and non-fiction works. The in depth information on this website is free. If you’re a writer who struggles with character development or story structure, you’ll want to bookmark this website.
Using Dramaticapedia
The website is organized into four major areas.
- Volumes. This is where you can study complete video programs, books and classes on story structure.
- Topics. This is where you can zero in on specific topics grouped in categories and subcategories.
- Subjects. Readers can explore subjects briefly referred to in an entry on another topic.
- Archives. You can browse all entries in order of date posted.
- Newest Entries. This is where you’ll find the newest additions on our home page.
- Search. You can use “quote marks” on your search query to get specific results.
Many writers struggle to create strong characters and can sometimes get lost within a meandering plot. They may lack structure to their stories.
Writers sometimes focus on getting their book published before it’s truly ready, which is like putting the horse before the cart.
If you don’t understand the mechanics of a story, you’ll struggle to complete it.
Dramatica Theory Book
Writers struggling with storytelling will find the information in this book extremely helpful. It’s divided into two sections: The Elements of Structure and The Art of Storytelling.
- The Elements of Structure deals with character, theme, plot, and genre
- The Art of Storytelling includes story forming, story encoding, story weaving, and story reception
There’s so much information in the Dramatica Theory Book that trying to describe it all would take up too much space! If you have questions about creating a solid plot, dynamic characters, or story, visit the Dramatica Theory Book. For example, writers often fall short with character development. The characters are alive in a writer’s head, but fail to make it to the pages of their book. Who is the protagonist? The antagonist? What’s his/her story? The character portion of the Dramatica Theory Book will address these issues and more.
Dramatica Dictionary
Sometimes you need to refer to a dictionary for clarification of word’s meaning. Want to know what a catalyst is? Click on the Dramatica Dictionary on the right side bar, click “C” and your answer will appear. If you’re looking for another word for “confidence,” click on the list of synonyms. It’s that easy! You can change a word in your story with a click of a button.
Dramatica Videos
Select videos from Dramatica Unplugged and Story Weaving Seminar, which are multi-part video programs on story structure and storytelling. The Dramatica Software Companion is a multi-part video program on Dramatica Pro story development software. These videos can answer questions you have on storytelling and structure. Of course, if you own Dramatica Pro, the videos in that section will give you an overview of the software and walk you through various parts of the software.
Dramatica Topics and Subjects
If you’re interested in knowing how Dramatica was developed, click on “How Dramatica was Developed” and learn more. Are you stuck with story structure? Click on “Structure” and watch videos and read about how to develop a story’s structure. The topics section is still being developed so stay tuned for more information.
The subjects or categories are endless. Click on creative writing and you’ll be taken to articles and videos on the subject. If you’re unsure how to write a scene, click on “scene” and watch the video “The 28 Magic Scenes – Part I.”
Writing a book is different from writing a travel article because you create plots, scenes, characters, and dialogue. Dramaticapedia can help you hone your writing skills. If you’re not clear about story structures and plots then Dramaticapedia may be your new best friend.
~ Rebecca
Have you found tools to help with fiction writing? Share your advice!
Great review Rebecca……I know that in addition to your freelance writing you’re also working on screenplays and some other things and have tried a lot of writing software….did you find that dramaticapedia.com was comparable (as a resource) to their software that one might purchase (DramaticaPro and StoryWeaver)? I’m curious to know under what circumstances would a writer find their site sufficient, or when they should buy the software…. your thoughts?
I think if you’re a new fiction writer and are uncertain about fiction writing, you may consider investing in DramaticaPro and or StoryWeaver. I found Dramaticapedia helpful because I’m writing a young adult novel which is totally different from screenwriting. One of my writing groups has many fiction writers in it so I’m lucky to have these resources at my fingertips!
The similarity between fiction writing and screenwriting are the plots, scenes, and dialogue. However, in fiction writing it’s different because you’re writing 3 or more pages per chapter. You have 1 minute per page in a screenplay. You can’t have lengthy dialogue or scenes throughout your screenplay — it would be too long.
I use Celtx for my screenwriting. I’ve tested many of the screenwriting softwares on the market and they’re the same to me. The only difference is one software may have more “bells and whistles” that you don’t necessarily need, unless you’re weak in certain areas. It’s a good idea to invest in a software that helps you develop your plot, characters, scenes, and dialogue if you’re weak in these areas.
My mind works like a movie so screenwriting comes naturally to me. Fiction writing is challenging because I want to get in and get out, but that’s not how it works. Don’t get me started on description. I see the plot and scenes in my mind; I hear the dialogue, but I have to stretch it out over 3 or more pages. I’m not Tolkien nor do I want to be!