When you submit your Travel Articles to various Editors for publication, you’ll want to be sure you’re following their guidelines perfectly.
Many times they will require that you include a cover letter, possibly a resume, and/or examples of prior articles you’ve written. The same goes for when you are applying for either a freelance or staff writing position.
It should go without saying that when you’re looking to get published as a professional writer, or to get hired as a writer, whatever you write must be letter-perfect. Nothing will shoot your chances right out of the water faster than spelling or grammar errors, lapses in ettiquette, or simply failing to follow instructions.
And of course it’s imperative that if you do get a response from a publisher, or an interview with the person hiring, you must follow up with a personalized, hand-written (or typed) thank you note or letter.
Here’s a few example templates to help get you started……of course, as a writer your natural creative abilities will help you modify these to more perfectly suit your own situation and make yourself really stand out!
We’ll be adding more Templates so be sure to check back if we don’t have exactly what you need, or let us know what you’re looking for by using our Contact Form.
View or Print the PDFs:
- Cover Letter
- Introduction Letter
- Thank You Letter
- Example Resume 1
- Example Resume 2
- Example Resume – Travel Writer
- Sample Bid (Guru & Elance)
- Project Agreement
Download the MS Word Documents: