Opinion-Editorial Articles


Are you a professional Travel Writer, Blogger, or Journalist? If so, we want to hear from you!

We’ve created a Category for Op-Ed articles to give Travel Writers and Bloggers an outlet to voice an opinion and to engage in conversation.

Op-Ed pieces are never edited for content, but we do reserve the right to change titles in order to appeal to the broadest segment of readers.

If a title is changed, your original title will still be used to begin your article.

We also reserve the right to decline to publish any article that is deemed inappropriate or that seems clearly written to garner attention for publicity purposes or to offend others.

In order to be approved for publication, Op-Ed articles MUST:

  • Reflect your own opinion on an issue of general interest to travel writers & bloggers
  • Not contain language that is derogatory, defamatory, inflammatory, racist, hateful, hurtful, or foul
  • Not be a promotional piece for any destination, product, merchant, or travel supplier

In other words, we welcome your opinion and ask that you state it politely and in a way that encourages conversation, or even debate, but not flame-wars.

Please, no destination or service pieces. We don’t promote any specific destinations or travel suppliers.

Please use this form to contact us and to tell us a little bit about yourself, including where you’ve been published, a link to your website, and the topic for which you would like to submit an opinion article. We’ll respond promptly!

    Your Name: (required)

    Your Email: (required)

    Your Website: (required)

    Subject: Op-Ed Article Inquiry

    Your Message: