Many travel writer jobs are sought after by travel writers all over the world. Their stories are the same. They are looking for travel writing jobs not only to pay the bills but that will “jump start” their career. With so much competition, what’s a travel writer to do? The first thing to do is “get out of your head” and quit the negative self-talk! It’s not useful and will give you a massive tension headache.
Travel writer jobs are posted all over the internet. You can find travel writing opportunities on Travel-Writers-Exchange,, and many other sites. The majority are freelance writing opportunities; you may or may not work on site.
Seven “To-Do” Steps
- Make sure your writing skills are up-to-date. If you feel that your writing can use some improvement then take a travel writing course or two. Check out our Top 10 Writing Course section to learn more.
- Decide if blogging, online article writing, copy writing, newspapers, or magazines are right for you. Which format will fit your personality?
- Visit or and create a FREE travel writing blog. This is a great way to showcase your writing. Plus, it’s easier to send a link versus many samples of your writing.
- Know the application and submission process before applying for a travel writer job. Correctly spell the name of the person hiring for the position.
- Create a current resume. If you’re not sure how to create a resume, ask a family member or friend who can do it for you or pay a resume writer.
- Peruse travel writing forums. You’ll be able to find information on rates, employers, and it’s a great way to network. Check out the forum on; you must sign up with to partake in the forum discussions.
- Before applying for a travel writing job, browse various jobs by visiting Craigslist,, and other job boards. See what travel writing opportunities are being posted. Review the employer, what kind of travel writing they are looking for, and qualifications. If it’s a magazine, review past travel articles to familiarize yourself with the style and tone of the magazine. Be prepared to submit a sample article using the magazine’s style and tone.
Follow these 7 steps and you’ll land that perfect travel writing opportunity for you. Who knows, you may end up with several opportunities. Remember what Calvin Coolidge said:
“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.”
Bonus Resources
- Freelance Writing Gigs. Great resource for freelancers.
- Writer’s Digest. Fantastic resource for all writers.