is a local article marketing site. Similar to many local online news websites, except that makes it easy for you to sign up for an account and submit your travel articles based on your zip code, which you enter the first time you land on the site. You can also submit travel articles to be displayed in other zip codes.
What’s cool about this unique local angle is that you can become well known in your own local area for your travel articles reviewing local attractions, resorts, restaurants, and events. Once you become established as an expert travel writer on your local area, you’ll have an easier time getting published in local travel magazines and newspapers, or even national and international travel publications looking to print travel articles on your hometown as a destination. This is one way to help build a destination-specific travel niche, regardless of what destination you choose
What we like
- It’s free to sign up and to submit your travel articles – I recommend that you use the LOCAL sections of YourNews.
- You can post articles in other markets, but if you’re goal is to build credibility as an expert, make sure it’s a destination you know very well!
- It’s easy to use. The website will be going through a redesign sometime in the near the future.
What we hate
- There’s no guarantee that you’ll end up on the front page, and no information as to how you can get a front page display of your article.
- They have a ways to go regarding getting the “local” thing right – entering our local Arizona zip code still resulted in a good deal of national and international news, as well as news from other states, on our supposed “personalized” home page, and on our Local page was only one local story. On the other hand, if your local news is as skimpy, perhaps you’ll get good placement with your travel articles!
Signing up is a bit confusing …. to sign up, click on the animated “Submit News” icon in the upper left-hand corner of the page. It kind of blends in with the page so you may miss it. Be sure to also read their Blogger Terms of Service (link is at the bottom of their page) to be sure you comply with their posting guidelines. is relatively new, but has taken-off in the past few months. Article marketing is a great way to “self-publish” your travel articles. Why wait for a publication like Travel+Leisure to publish your articles? You can easily submit your travel writing article to and make a name for yourself. The best part is that you can submit to multiple markets!
What articles marketing sites have you tried? Share your experience!
Thanks for the information on YourNews. I’ve heard of them; they’re taking off across the country. Some people want me to buy advertising on the site, but I haven’t yet. So far people have been able to get traffic to their websites and turn a profit. Not too shabby.
Many thanks for the article. I’ve only recently heard of YourNews. It could be a good place to post your articles, especially when you narrow it down your backyard. You never know who may read your article. It’s a great networking tool as well.