Finding travel jobs takes skill and know how. If you’re not going in the right direction you can wind up off course. There are many job options within the travel industry. You could work for a cruise line, become a travel agent, start your own online travel agency, or begin a specialty agency such as an adventure travel agency. The opportunities are endless. But, you must know where to find them.
Perusing the internet takes search skills. You must drill-down your keywords. If you type “travel jobs” into Google, you’ll receive thousands of job listings. The key to looking for travel jobs is to be specific. What job are you looking for? If you want to work on a cruise ship then search for “cruise ship jobs, jobs on cruise ships, or cruise line jobs.” To get more specific, type in the cruise line you would like to work for such as Carnival, Norwegian, Princess, or Disney.
The most popular of all travel jobs, besides travel writing, is travel consulting. Share your passion for travel with others. No one will be able to resist your enthusiasm for Caribbean travel. Remember, people often buy on emotion. If you’re love of beaches and hot weather comes through, you can score major sales.
Three Websites
Check out the following websites for travel writing jobs. If you have other skills such as graphic design or photography, you’ll be ahead of other candidates.
- Freelance Job Openings. Offers a listing of writing, graphic design, and other freelance jobs.
- Freelance Writing Lists multiple writing positions within various industries. If you write travel articles like “how to stay fit while you travel,” check out writing opportunities that involve the health and wellness industry.
- Craigslist. There are many ways to search on Craigslist. Search your desired location or post a resume and ad within your chosen location. If you love working from home, peruse other markets. You never know what opportunities are available in other parts of the world.
Remember that you must set yourself a part from others who are applying for travel jobs. Be prepared to show what you can do for an organization. If you would like to be a tour guide, make sure you have people skills. Are you organized? Do you handle conflict well? These are questions to ask yourself before applying for a job as a tour guide. You may enjoy London, but taking people on a tour of the city is another thing.
If you really want to stand out, create a video resume to send along with your “traditional” resume. Yes, some travel jobs still require a formal resume. However, video and podcasting can take you to another level. Check out YouTube for some ideas and attempt to create a video resume just for fun. Find a professional to shoot your resume or ask your “techie” friend to help you out. It’s a win-win situation; you get a video resume and your friend gets a portfolio piece.
Travel writers who would like to know more about the travel industry will consider working full-time or part-time travel jobs. You can learn “industry secrets” that other writers will not know. You can also network with many people. The more people that know your name, the better your chances improve for finding travel writing jobs. Start your job search today — tomorrow show people around Lisbon.
Do you already work in the travel industry? If not, do you think you would like working in the travel industry?