Discover Travel Writing Jobs on Demand

Updated: Mar 23rd, 2010

Travel writers, by now you know that freelance writing jobs can be found all over the internet. From to Craigslist to to countless other job sites, the list is endless. Well, guess what? There’s another site for you to take a look at in addition to the ones that are mentioned. At Travel-Writers-Exchange, we like to keep you informed of travel writing opportunities.

Finding travel writing opportunities can be frustrating and time consuming. It demands a lot of attention and persistence. Sometimes you just want to “throw-in” the towel and walk away from it. But, there’s something about writing that pulls you back. Before you know it, you’re all over the internet searching and sending inquiries at warp speed!

Travel writing can be a fickle niche market. That’s why it’s imperative to keep your skills up-to-date. Visit the AWAI’s and review their travel writing and photography courses. According to the AWAI’s testimonials, people are becoming successful writers and photographers.

Check out Demand Media and Demand Studios. They have many writing opportunities. All you do is create an account, submit your resume and URL links, and choose which company you would like to work for. FYI, these are the people who bring you eHow, LiveStrong (Lance Armstrong’s site), and other sites! Go ahead and sign up with Demand Studios. What do you have to lose?

When you look for writing opportunities, remember there are other writers submitting inquiries just like you. It’s imperative to set yourself apart from the pack. This is where you want to “show” what you can do, not tell. A job posting can receive as many as 300 resumes along with samples of work. It may take someone awhile to get back to you because they have many writers to “weed” out. Just make sure you’re not one of those writers!

Remember to write each day. It may seem pointless at times, but it’s a great way to keep your writing skills sharp. It’s also a great way to add to your portfolio. Remember, you will be asked to submit samples of your work!

Writers will always be in demand. Who else will write about adventure travel? The downside is that it can take longer than expected to reach a goal, but keep the faith. It will probably happen when you least expect it!


How long did it take you to find your writing opportunities? Do you find it frustrating to look for jobs on the internet?

About Amandah Blackwell 198 Articles

Amandah Blackwell is a creative, freelance and ghost writer for industries that include but are not limited to the arts & entertainment, travel, publishing, real estate, pets, personal and professional development, and much more.

Amandah's personal writing projects include screenplays, teleplays, YA, non-fiction, short stories, and poetry. 

You can find more of her writing at,, and

You can follow Amandah on Twitter at:

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