A travel writer decided to enter into the realm of article marketing. He had plenty of material to be published. He understood that article marketing is a great way to obtain link banks to his travel writing website. Our travel writer took a few weeks to research the best article marketing websites. After he completed his research, he decided to blast his articles to the article marketing websites he researched. This was a big mistake!
You see, our travel writer committed the felony of assuming all article marketing websites were the same. Ezine Articles found him guilty of including more than four active links within his article. He did not read section 2, point f of Ezine Articles’ Editorial Guidelines. It states the following: “WEBSITE LINKS/URLS: There is a total limit of (4) active or inactive links allowed in the article, which consists of both the BODY and the RESOURCE BOX.”
Affsphere found our travel writer guilty of including more than three affiliate links within his travel articles, stuffing his articles with keywords, and submitting a press release as an article.
The reviewers of the content for these article marketing websites banned our travel writer from submitting articles. He paid the penalty of forgoing monies that he would have earned from article marketing. Our travel writer learned a very valuable lesson. However, we have it on good authority that our travel writer is traveling the internet using an alias.
Article Marketing 101
Travel writers, all article marketing websites are not the same! The guidelines will vary from website to website. Make sure you read the guidelines before submitting your articles. If you are using an article from your blog, you’ll may have to edit and take out some links from the article. You cannot copy and paste your article into an article marketing’s submission form. They will send you an email telling you to “fix” it and then resubmit it for review.
Do not assume that article marketing websites will accept the same information. For example, Affsphere and Ezine Articles differ on the use of affiliate links within your article. Ezine Articles has stricter guidlines than Affsphere. Again, it cannot be emphasized enough to READ the guidelines carefully before submitting your article!
Many articles about article marketing are all over the internet. That’s great that there are hundreds of articles on how to construct a headline for your article. If you’re looking for the “dirty-dirty” on article marketing, come back to Travel-Writers-Exchange.
We’ll keep you informed on “how to use article marketing to promote” your travel writing website and help you avoid violating article marketing guidelines. Remember, article marketing is not a “one-size fits all” marketing tool. Each website has their own rules, regulations, and guidelines. It’s best to know before you go and submit your travel articles to every website. This will save you time in the long run.
Clearly article marketing is the best way to gain relevant back links. Additionally these back links are gained slowly, not explosively; a characteristic search engines look for. In a very short period of time, your site becomes an authority site, and organic listings develop. It is vital to include appropriate anchor text, and links in the author resource box.
Not only great info that I wish I had read it earlier, but your writing style is engaging. Thanks