Freelance Travel Writers Lives: What You Ought To Know

Updated: Mar 29th, 2017

Most people probably think that freelance travel writers have it easy because they work from home and travel all over the world. Travel writing is considered a glamorous life but it is work. Yes, there are “perks” of the business but travel writers work really hard at their craft. What’s that old saying, “looks can be deceiving?” Remember, do not judge a book by its cover!

Here’s an excerpt from Appalachian Writers.blogspot: “Many people think because you work from home and/or online, you aren’t busy at all. They have no guilt about stealing your time from you even though it appears they have plenty of their own for free.”

Freelance travel writers are busy people. In addition to being writers, they are editors, managers, and organizers of information. Travel writers must network with editors, other writers, and industry professionals. Building a database of contacts in the market is a lifeline for travel writers. They never know when the next opportunity will strike and it’s good to stay up on current trends in the travel industry. Also, travel writers must keep up with current events. Today’s hottest destination will be tomorrow’s coolest spot on the planet.

Links to Freelancers Lives

  1. Appalachian Writers.blogspot. An account of the day and life of a freelance writer.
  2. Frommers. This article details the components of travel writing such as traffic controller, researcher, and business manager.
  3. Ink Well Editorial. Advice from “a day in the life of a freelancer writer.”

Social media is a key component of freelance travel writers. They travel all over the internet to leave comments on blogs and forums. The comments point back to a company’s websites through links. This is what drives traffic to websites. Most will spend a fair amount of time on sites such as Facebook promoting their own blogs and or services.

Finally, travel writers research, educate, and train themselves on the latest and greatest technologies available. Most magazines and newspapers request photographs to accompany travel articles. Purchasing a digital camera and learning how to properly use it is essential. Don’t forget about software such as Adobe Photoshop. That picture of The Great Wall of China may need to be retouched. This just proves that travel writers are people who are “jacks or janes of all trades!”


About Amandah Blackwell 198 Articles

Amandah Blackwell is a creative, freelance and ghost writer for industries that include but are not limited to the arts & entertainment, travel, publishing, real estate, pets, personal and professional development, and much more.

Amandah's personal writing projects include screenplays, teleplays, YA, non-fiction, short stories, and poetry. 

You can find more of her writing at,, and

You can follow Amandah on Twitter at:

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