Travel writers, if you do not have a blog, what are you waiting for? You could monetize your blog and profit from your travel writing. Blogging is very simple and easy. All it takes is a little “muscle” work and you will have a blog that will work for you!
It will behoove you to know a little about HTML. Free blogs such as require a hosting company. WordPress offers a list of hosting companies, but be careful. As the saying goes “buyer beware!” Not all hosting companies are the same. If you are new to blogging and HTML, I suggest you research hosting companies. Not all technical support teams are created equally. For example, BlueHost does not have that great of a technical support area. You’ve been warned!
Blog Links
- Pay Per Post. A new way to start a blog and make money. Pay Per Post offers a variety of advertisers to promote. Get started today!
- State-of-the-art publishing platform. “When you want to work with your blogging software, not fight it!”
- Blogger. Create your FREE blog today in three easy steps!
- Pro Blogger. This site is dedicated to helping other bloggers learn the skills to great blogging.
- WallerBlog. Blogging tips for writing content, driving traffic, and making money!
- Blog The Money. Tips and suggestions on how you can monetize your website.
Hosting Companies
- 1&1 Web Hosting. Need better web hosting? Choose 1&1. Free: domains, marketing tools, search engine ad $$ and more. New! Get 3 months FREE Hosting.
- Omnis Network. #1 Web Hosting Plan. Sign up today, start blogging tomorrow!
Happy blogging,
~ Rebecca