Good morning travel writers! It’s Monday, do you have that article or guidebook written? Are you preparing to submit your work to an editor or publisher? Before you do, check out the “inside scoop” from editors and publishers. Does your work look professional? What are standard editing rates? Can you trust that publisher over the internet who says he’ll print your work? These are some questions to ask yourself before you send your work out the door or through cyberspace!
It’s safe to trust that publisher over the internet, as soon as the check clears! Remember, publishers pay authors. Authors do not pay publishers. If someone asks you to write a check, submit through Paypal, or provide a credit card, run the other way! Make sure to read the fine print! Do your research. You can find anything on the internet. Thoroughly research publishing companies. Follow your instincts. If the contract does not feel right then find another publisher.
Read the submission guidelines before you submit your work! Ensure that your travel book or article is in line with what the house publishes. Do you understand your audience? You will have to convince an editor or publisher that you do. Use resources such as libraries, forums, and colleges to evaluate your work; check grammar, facts, punctuation, spelling, etc. Allow non-family, non-work mates, and non-friends to read your article or book and provide feedback. Utilize the feedback to improve your work.
Standard editing rates do not exist. You can have a complex editing project or light “copy editing” which is mainly mechanical. Rates vary among editors. For example, some editors charge by the project instead of by the hour. What you pay will depend on what you are looking for in an editor. Keep an open-mind. An editor will have suggestions that will benefit you and your work in the long run.
Finally, be a professional writer. Know the etiquette and make it your business to find out the “ins and outs” of the writer-publisher contract. Honesty is the best policy. If you are a new writer, say so and own it! Remember what Ralph Waldo Emerson said “Every artist was first an amateur.” Learn from your mistakes. Be open to constructive criticism and feedback. Ignore those who say that you cannot or will not make it as a travel writer. Here’s another tip, “the best revenge is success.” Keep writing and believing!
Some Guides
- Publishers and Agents. Offers great advice on how to pitch your book to editors and publishers.
- Circle of Friends Books. Excellent blog that provides writer, author, and publisher tips!
- Books, Magazines, and Travel and Outdoor Gear! National Geographic is your one-stop shop to culture, travel, exploration, and adventure!
- Right-Writing. Find “how-to” information about writing and opportunities to publish your work!
Now you know what editors and publishers really want!
~ Rebecca
I enjoyed reading your page for today 6-16-08. Topic: Exclusive!Inside Secrets to Publishing from Editors and Publishers. I thought it was very informative and had alot of useful tips. Since I am a new writer the information will be very useful to me.
Thank you ! I will look forward to your next new page.