Donald Nicolson is from Scotland and worked in academic research from 2001 until the end of 2014. He is a published author on over 30 research articles, some in prestigious journals like BMJ and Cochrane Library; and attended and presented at international research conferences, including Barcelona, Basel, Baltimore, Oxford, and Queenstown.
He's been to 12 countries on 4 continents; and has unashamedly fallen in love with Utrecht in The Netherlands, an article on which he published. When he is not doing freelance writing, he is developing a career as a travel writer; looking for an agent and a publishing deal for a travel book he is writing; and aiming to set up his own travel-related business venture.
Donald cannot remember who said "potential is a French word for you haven't done anything yet", but agrees with it in principle.
You can find Donald:
on Twitter at: @the_mopster
on LinkedIn: