Everyone Laughed at Her Freelance Travel Writing Rates

Updated: Mar 28th, 2010

Travel writers, the most important thing to remember when you set your freelance writing rates is to charge what you are worth! When you begin as a writer, figuring out what to charge clients can become a daunting task. Don’t sweat it. All it takes is a little research and confidence and soon you will have a rate schedule that is worth your time.

Here’s an excerpt from Ace Writers: “Don’t be afraid to turn down clients who aren’t willing to pay you what you’re worth. If you keep saying yes to these people, you will get locked into a low-level of clientele and will always be underpaid. Believe me, there are companies and individuals out there who are willing to pay the price for a good writer. If you are a good writer, you just have to find them. But you won’t find them if you’re swamped with jobs that keep you perpetually unpaid and overworked.”

Think about this, do you know what plumbers charge for 30 minutes? Plumbers can make $200 for a 30 minute repair service. What about the technicians at the automotive center? Look at the bill and see how much of it was for labor! What is that saying, “you get what you pay for.” When you set your rates, factor your reputation and experience into your rates. Remember, satisfaction is always guaranteed!

Links to Freelance Rates

  1. Ace Writers. Great article on setting freelance writing fees.
  2. Writing-World. Advice on how to set your freelance writing rates.
  3. Writing Asst.com. A great chart of freelance writing and design rates.
  4. Writers.ca. This ones from Canada and provides advice on freelance writing rates.

Some writers charge on a “per-word basis” which is fine if you are writing for a magazine, but it’s crazy for other types of projects. Using the “per-word basis” does not take into consideration the time spent on research, meetings, or other variables. It’s better to charge a “flat rate” for projects such as a headlines. Could you imagine the look on your client’s face when you say your fee is $500 per word instead of giving them a flat rate of $2,500 for a five word headline? Twenty-five hundred dollars will sound a lot reasonable to your client versus $500 per word; especially if they use the headline for three or more years.

Finally, remember to ask for what you want in order to get it! Do not be afraid to charge what you are worth. If a client scoffs at your rate and refuses to pay, let them go somewhere else. You want to get paid for what you are worth, not underpaid for it! If you are beginning your writing career, consider accepting the $25 per article assignments or volunteer your services. The articles you write can help build your portfolio. Soon, you will be setting and obtaining your freelance writing rates!


About Amandah Blackwell 198 Articles

Amandah Blackwell is a creative, freelance and ghost writer for industries that include but are not limited to the arts & entertainment, travel, publishing, real estate, pets, personal and professional development, and much more.

Amandah's personal writing projects include screenplays, teleplays, YA, non-fiction, short stories, and poetry. 

You can find more of her writing at www.MisticCafe.com, savvywritingcareers.wordpress.com, and www.savvy-writer.com.

You can follow Amandah on Twitter at:  http://twitter.com/savvy_writer

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