3 Steps to Funding Your Travel Writing

Updated: Mar 28th, 2010

With all the conversations about the economic woes of the U.S. economy, travel writers may put their dream on hold. A little creativity and penny pinching goes a long way. Tune-out the “doom and gloom” speak of the nation and follow that travel writing dream!

One way to fund your travel writing is to score FREE travel. Sign up for every travel contest on the planet. For example, The Travel Channel is giving away a trip for two to beautiful Costa Rica! Sign up and answer a trivia question today. Tomorrow…fly to Latin America, write a stunning travel article, submit it to travel publications, and become a paid published travel writer. Here’s a tip for answering the trivia question, it’s easier to Google the answer versus searching The Travel Channel’s website.

Another way to fund travel writing is to save time and money on research. Sign up for Go.Travel Channel’s FREE mobile service. Travel writers, receive details on restaurants, sites, and shops. Spot places that were aired on The Travel Channel. Personalized service at the touch of a button. The money that is saved on research can be put towards a travel writing course or seminar. Unfortunately, the Go.Travel Channel’s FREE mobile service is not available for those who use Alltel. It may be time to switch to another network.

3 Steps to Fund Travel Writing

  1. Use your travel writing to fund your writing.
  2. Start investing in your writing in small increments.
  3. Set your priorities.

To learn more, read the article “Funding Your Writing Career” at Romancing The Blog.

> Rebecca

About Amandah Blackwell 198 Articles

Amandah Blackwell is a creative, freelance and ghost writer for industries that include but are not limited to the arts & entertainment, travel, publishing, real estate, pets, personal and professional development, and much more.

Amandah's personal writing projects include screenplays, teleplays, YA, non-fiction, short stories, and poetry. 

You can find more of her writing at www.MisticCafe.com, savvywritingcareers.wordpress.com, and www.savvy-writer.com.

You can follow Amandah on Twitter at:  http://twitter.com/savvy_writer

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