It is the great dream of every writer.
Whether you write non-fiction articles, novels, poems, short stories or film and book reviews, it is inevitable that you have a desire to be published.
And if you buy into the general consensus about getting published, you’ll think you have a better chance of winning the lottery, marrying a prince or flying to the moon.
So what’s the great secret?
How do you get published? How can you ensure that your work rises above the rest, and captures the attention of the publishing decision makers?
A good Editor helps. But how and where do you find a good one?
Some Tips:
Here are a few helpful hints when looking for an Editor for your manuscript.
- Network or ask other authors. If you know someone who has had a great experience with an Editor, ask for their name and contact information.
- Head to your local library. Ask if there is a writer’s group or other support system for authors. You may even find a list of local Editors.
- Pick up a recent favorite book. There may be a thank you page including one for the Editor. Chances are if they deserved a thank you in the book, they did a good job for the author.
When You’ve Narrowed Down Your Choices
When you do find an Editor you will be working with, here are a few more hints.
- Ask for references of authors or books they have recently edited.
- Ask for testimonials.
- Ask to see a sample contract. Check to see if there is an “out” clause.
- Ask what they charge and how they charge…per hour or per manuscript.
- Ask how and when they expect to be paid.
- Ask about turnaround time and what happens if they do not meet your deadlines.
When you find an Editor you like…treat them like gold. They are worth every penny you pay them.
Good luck with writing and seeing your name in print!
Have you worked with an Editor? Share your experience!
Ooh, I can’t wait until the day comes that I am in a position to look for an editor. You are right, it is every writers dream to write a book! Thanks for the tips, you never know, one day I may need them:)
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