Can a Travel Writer make money online?
I believe that the answer is a resounding yes….and I’m going to prove it to you.
Allow me to introduce you to Suzy (not her real name), my first Case Study.
Suzy is a well-repected travel writer who is regularly published in several online and offline travel publications. I met her on a media trip and we spent time chatting about the many challenges facing travel writers who are trying to adapt to fewer paying opportunities and increased competition. She shared with me her frustration and fears as she, and other travel writers, watch as the world of travel writing changes in ways they never anticipated just a few short years ago.
Her problems:
- Little time to spend with her husband and family. She keeps a hectic travel writing schedule;
- Decreasing pay for travel articles – and fewer paying opportunities for publication;
- She writes about destinations of which she has little or no interest – because that’s what pays;
- She struggles to build an online audience and retain readers;
I told Suzy that it IS possible to achieve these things, if she would just follow some very simple steps, and I’ve written those into a “flow chart”. Suzy agreed to be a case study, and to follow the steps I outlined for her. We’ve been meeting by telephone as our schedules permit, and she’s now accomplished a few of the first steps.
Over the coming month’s I’ll be helping Suzy achieve the following goals:
- To earn enough that she can slow down and enjoy more time with her family;
- To write on a topic about which she is passionate;
- To feel that she is writing for people who are sincerely interested in what she has to say;
- To learn how to build readership by writing effectively for both people and search engines.
Each week I’ll update you on Suzy’s progress, sharing with you her experience.
When this study ends I’ll pull back the curtain of anonymity and interview her so that she can share with you her results.
Follow Suzy’s progress as she travels the road to success!
What a great idea. I’ll be following Suzy’s journey and hope to learn from it.
This is VERY cool. As a newbie starting my own journey on travel writing, I will follow this series very closely.
Best, D.
@Donna and @Diogo – thank you – I hope that everyone reading it will find something useful in the experience – it’s been interesting and fun so far for both “Suzy” and me, and we’re looking forward to giving readers a peek at the process!
Awesome, I am really looking forward to this series. Suzie is doing exactly what we want to do and we are looking forward to her progress.
We all seem to be sailing in the smae boat. Awaiting the series with eagerness and HOPE!
It’s great that you’re doing this Trisha! Don’t forget to tell Suzy to join the International Food, Wine & Travel Writers Association ( to network.
This just got more interesting since you mentioned Suzy is an established travel writer. I’m just now learning about how the times they are a changin’ when it comes to traditional print media and travel writing.
Thanks, I just getting started here as well…will be looking forward to your articles.
Thanks for the great encouragement everyone! I’m really glad to hear that others are finding this useful and interesting…..”Suzy” and I are certainly enjoying the process, and looking forward to the “reveal” when we get to the end….
This is a great series and very helpful. I am following along impatiently.