Jump Over Obstacles and Live the Freelance Travel Writer Lifestyle

Updated: Mar 24th, 2010

Travel writing attracts many people because of the “perks” from the lifestyle. A few perks of travel writing are working from home and taking vacation when you feel like it. There’s no need to ask the boss for time off because you are the boss! However, as a freelance travel writer you could take your work with you. Many hotels, resorts, motels, bed and breakfasts’, and cafés offer wifi. What’s a travel writer to do?

Some people view working from home as a downfall. The assumption is that you’re always available and not busy. Another assumption is that working from home is less stressful. These assumptions are not true. Most freelance travel writers work harder than most people who work a 9-to-5 job. They can have many clients or be working on a big project, which can be stressful!

Travel writers can avoid obstacles of the freelance travel writer lifestyle. One way is to plan your vacation and let your clients know when you’ll be gone. Provide clients with a contact number in case of an emergency.

Another way to avoid an obstacle is to lighten your work load. Inform clients that you’ll be limiting the number of projects because you’ll be on vacation or away for a few weeks. This allows you the freedom to enjoy your vacation, but you can unwind (if you choose) by “firing up” the laptop and working on a project or two that will not take up too much time.

Obstacles of Travel Writer Lifestyle

  1. Taking work with you while on vacation. You could take work with you while you’re on vacation, but what kind of vacation would that be?
  2. Working without a break. If you do not give yourself breaks throughout the day, you’ll drive yourself crazy! Treat your freelance travel writer lifestyle like a 9-to-5 job. Take an hour lunch break and a 15-minute break each day. Your eyes will thank you.
  3. Taking on too many projects. So many people overextend themselves. Do not do this because you’ll wear yourself. You may think that you’re Superman or Superwoman, but what you are is human; you can’t do it all. Make sure you can handle projects before you say “yes.” The purpose of taking a vacation is to relax, have fun, and enjoy yourself. You do not want to end up “killing” yourself to complete all of your projects before you leave for your vacation. This could have two repercussions: 1) you’ll sleep through your vacation and 2) you could end up working on your vacation. /li>
  4. Potential to lose income while on vacation. Do not panic because you could lose some income while on vacation. If you know in advance that you’re going on vacation, you may consider taking on extra projects that you can handle to earn extra cash.

Perks of Travel Writing

  1. Go on vacation when you feel like it. You decide when you would like to go on vacation. You do not have to ask your supervisor or manager for permission or check the availability of vacation dates.
  2. You’re the boss. If you feel like taking Friday’s off, go for it! You make your own schedule. No one will hassle you to work overtime or the weekends.
  3. Sign up for an online travel writing course, webinar, or tele-seminar. You can sign up for a travel writing course, tele-seminar, or webinar at your convenience. The best part is that you’ll be learning from the comfort of your home.

Finally, a freelance travel writer can work anywhere, but does not have to work everywhere. We may wear jeans and a t-shirts, sweats, or bathrobes, but we still work. Time off is necessary for us just like it is for office workers. After all, it’s easy for us to work 10 to 12 hour days because we work from home.

Make plans for a vacation and take it. You need time to recharge yourself. If not, you will suffer the consequences such as burn-out and writer’s block. You’ll also become very irritable! Schedule a vacation today, tomorrow you’ll be rejuvenated and ready to write!


About Amandah Blackwell 198 Articles

Amandah Blackwell is a creative, freelance and ghost writer for industries that include but are not limited to the arts & entertainment, travel, publishing, real estate, pets, personal and professional development, and much more.

Amandah's personal writing projects include screenplays, teleplays, YA, non-fiction, short stories, and poetry. 

You can find more of her writing at www.MisticCafe.com, savvywritingcareers.wordpress.com, and www.savvy-writer.com.

You can follow Amandah on Twitter at:  http://twitter.com/savvy_writer

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